Monday, December 18, 2006

The Walking Dead

"The Corpse" made an appearance today on the set of her new movie, "Shawn of the Dead: Dead and Spankin' It". In what may be the part she was born to play, "The Corpse" has been cast as one of the shambling dead that Shawn and his whimsical friends will bolt from one pub to another whacking heads off in the working class east end. Hilarity is scheduled to make an appearance...perhaps as early as the opening credits. Once her scenes for the day were shot, "the Corpse" was tranquilized and locked back up in the same dark hole she has hidden away Guy Ritchie's talent.

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

Oooooh! Will she be wearing a leotard in this one? Does anyone else think she is just too old to be wearing leotards and humping saddles on stage?