Monday, February 12, 2007

Paula's Handful, not that either...Randy(?) Jackson is getting the thrill of a lifetime as Paula Abdul candidly gropes his grapes. Paula's been catching a bad rap for being a little "too too much" in public lately. Sure she's been goofy, but I don't care. She's still hot and she's got the whole 'opposites attract' thing...she's tiny and I'm big...I think she and I could work something out. She was a Laker girl for Heaven's sakes? Not only that, but she danced with a cat once! And not one of the lameass gay cats from...well, "Cats". Have you ever seen that miserable excuse for a musical? Oh what I would do to throw the whole lot of them in a canvas sack and toss them in a river.

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

The really sad part is that Paula is the most sane of this fabulous 4some.