Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ashton Spends Quality Time With His Mom

Ashton Kutchner is seen here at the GM Fashionapolosa Extravaganza...oh whatever. It's nice to see that no matter how big Ashton gets, he's always got time to spend with his mom. He could have some fine model or actress with him, instead he chooses to take his mom to this big function. What a nice boy. And I didn't even know General Motors made clothes. I thought they spent all their time trying to make cars as good as the Japanese.

Ace reporter Clare Basset informs me that that is actually Demi Moore. My mistake. Man, Demi Moore was once so hot they named canned foods after her. What happened?

Clare Basset has once again stepped in to inform me that the canned stews, etc. were called Dennis Moore...named after the Highwayman from Monty Python fame. He stole lupins and rode across the sward. There was a quite a catchy little tune...Dennis Moore..Dennis Moore..riding 'cross the sward. Dennis Moore...Dennis Moore...dum dum dum duh dum....

UPDATE PART the THIRD - The Final Conflict
I have been told by a good authority who DOES NOT eat her own feces that the canned foods were made by Denti Moore. I apologize for the confusion.

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